about us

We are proud to call Indonesia home, the largest producer of coconut in any tropical country. With our rich agricultural heritage and commitment to sustainable practices, we harness the abundant natural resources of this beautiful nation to deliver the highest quality coconut-based products to customers around the world. From our lush plantations to your doorstep, we invite you to experience the unparalleled excellence of Indonesian coconut products with PT. Coconut Coir Cilacap.

Our Mission

  1. We are committed to contribute the welfare of our communities.
  2. We aim to develop processing industries based on renewable natural resources, with a particular focus on coconut and its kinds.
  3. We strive to create value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, by balancing financial success with ethical and sustainable business practices.

Our Vision

“To be one of the largest, most productive, best managed, innovative, and sustainable coconut and derivatives processing company in the world”.


Meet the Key Leaders Driving PT. Coconut Coir Cilacap (Our Commissioner and Director Team)

“Teamwork is the fuel that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results. By leveraging the diverse strengths and perspectives of each individual, a well-functioning team can accomplish far more than any individual working alone. At our company, we recognize that successful teamwork is not just a strategy, it’s a way of life.”

Diana Devi S., AMD – Commissioner

As a commissioner, Diana Devi S. provides strategic guidance and oversight to the company’s management. She is responsible for ensuring that the company’s policies and practices align with its goals and objectives. She may also advise the company on legal and regulatory issues.

Sardi Abdurrahman – Commissioner

Like Diana Devi S., Sardi Abdurrahman is also a commissioner. He provides guidance and oversight to the company’s management, ensuring that the company’s policies and practices align with its goals and objectives. He may also advise the company on legal and regulatory issues.

Agus Santoso, SH – President Director

Agus Santoso, as the President Director, is responsible for the overall management of the company. He sets the company’s strategy, goals, and objectives, and oversees the implementation of these plans. He is also responsible for ensuring that the company’s operations are profitable and sustainable.

Maria Thurisina D.Y., SE – Finance Director

Maria Thurisina D.Y. is the Finance Director of PT. Coconut Coir Cilacap. She is responsible for managing the company’s financial resources, including its budget, accounting, and financial reporting. She works closely with other members of the management team to ensure that the company’s financial decisions align with its goals and objectives.

Syahid Ashari, STP, MM – Human Resource Director

Syahid Ashari is the Human Resource Director of the company. He is responsible for managing the company’s human resources, including recruitment, training, and development. He ensures that the company has the talent and skills it needs to achieve its goals and objectives. He may also be responsible for managing employee relations and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations.


Notaris Tomy I.S., SH, MKn

No 03/23 Feb 2023

NIB: 0203230098342 

NPWP: 40.060.621.6-522.000

AHU-0016087.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2023

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